Estrogen can stimulate the production of more fluids. And it is necessary to know that vaginal discharge as said earlier is a normal phenomenon and that it is necessary for good sexual health. So if you have watery discharge than usual, but it only sticks around for a day or two, it might be your body's way of saying that you're extra fertile right now. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection that can be treated with oral antibiotics. Other concerning symptoms may be excessive discharge, changes in viscosity or color, fever, or pain in the pelvis or abdomen. There is no need to be embarrassed. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause. Depending on the cause of the watery vaginal discharge, there are steps you can take to avoid worsening the situation and help with the discomfort: These recommendations will help manage healthy watery discharge and prevent some illnesses that can cause new watery discharge. Having more watery discharge could be a pointer that you have probably started ovulating. Healthy bacteria living in your vagina help make your secretions acidic. In preparation for ovulation and during it, discharge tends to be stretchy and wet. However, when this watery discharge occurs more often than usual, it may signify an underlying health problem such as a hormone imbalance. Vaginal atrophy can cause a watery discharge. This happens to about 10% of women who use clindamycin or metronidazole. Set up your free account in a minute. Neither situation is painful, says Dr. Ressler . The acidic nature of the secretions can help to deter bacteria and also remove dead cell debris. Can I Go to Urgent Care for a Yeast Infection? If you're experiencing the sensation of peeing a release of your bladder with urine passing through your urethra and then realize that it's actually vaginal discharge, it's definitely time to see your doctor. Could COVID Or The Paxlovid Prescribed To Treat It Be Making Us Angrier? Best wishes The information provided does not constitute a diagnosis of your condition. A number of STDs can cause distinct changes in vaginal discharges, altering the color, scent, and more. Join Date: Nov 2003. However, brown discharge may also occur around ovulation or early in a pregnancy, especially when you would have had your period if you werent pregnant. Your 34 weeks pregnant belly is starting to look like you are about to pop. Those with BV may not have any symptoms, or they may have the following: In addition, BV can make someone more susceptible to STDs such as herpes, chlamydia, HIV, and gonorrhea. Normal watery discharge is clear or white and has only a mild odor. Naturally, their bodies produce lubrication to keep us moisturized and happy. With intense itching comes pain which may make you present to the doctor earlier. However, the color of this discharge can say a lot about your internal health. Normal vaginal discharge can be due to natural hormonal alteration that occurs during reproductive processes in a womans body, like ovulation and pregnancy, or when sexual stimulation causes an increase of fluids from the vagina. Youre about to learn some of the most hidden facts your doctor never shared with you before. Leading up to ovulation, discharge can appear slippery, clear, and stretchy, with a consistency similar to egg whites. We have Taken Scan and AFI is Adequate and Range is 38 cm. This allows the Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria to dominate the vagina, along with other anaerobic organisms. That said, its important to understand that healthy discharge is usually odorless, clear, and colorless. This infection is also linked to poor personal hygiene. Watery discharge feels like I peed myself: Hormonal imbalance Another cause of vaginal discharge in women is hormonal imbalance, as mentioned earlier watery vaginal discharge is a normal and healthy part of some women's life. Clear watery discharge after ovulation., Vulvovaginal Atrophy. In the middle of your cycle, when your ovaries release an egg, your body will typically produce more discharge to help sperm reach the egg. The discharge one has may change depending on what time of the menstrual cycle it is. No period cramps (although had what I thought was them last week) and the last 3 days I have been leaking LOTS of watery clear CM; I keep thinking AF has arrived only only to find a release of discharge (oh god TMI lol) - it feels like I've peed myself! This is because the hormones in the contraceptive thicken the cervical fluid. Brown Discharge Before Period: Why Is It Happening? Can You Go to Urgent Care for High Blood Pressure? There could be several reasons for watery discharge that feel like you're urinating, including: 1. DrHouse provides 24/7 virtual urgent care, mens health, womens health and online prescriptions. See a doctor if an increased amount of wet discharge requires a pad or liner, as this can indicate ruptured membranes, commonly known as water breaking. Girls who suffer from hormonal imbalances may also experience various vaginal discharges throughout their menstrual cycle, such as during ovulation, when you observe clear and odorless fluid coming out after sex or around menstruation time since blood has been flowing into the tissue near where it goes through the vagina. Others hear a popping noise followed by leakage. Watery Discharge Feels Like I Peed Myself. At the same time, dont strictly focus on the vagina itself but also on the surrounding external area. Public Health Nigeria Public Health Nigeria an Interdisciplinary public health movement focused on health education, advancing fair public health policies, promoting fitness, healthy diets, responsible behavior, community health and general wellbeing. This, though, is not the case for the vaginal flora we refer to in medicine, and that is completely okay! White or cloudy discharge is normal during pregnancy. This happens because more blood flows to the vag*nal during arousal which can stimulate the discharge of sexual lubricating fluids. Rest assured, while it may feel like you had an accident, it probably doesn't look like it. That acidic discharge fights off bad bacteria and clears out dead cells. One very important way of avoiding vaginal infections is to avoid douching. It is important to note that the amount of discharge depends on certain factors, including the phase of the menstrual cycle and this can occur at any age. My Wife is Now 7 month With Twins, For Past Two Weeks She have an low Vaginal Watery Discharge. I wear a pantiliner and it soaks right through my pantiliner. While watery discharge is rarely a sign of concern, there are actions you should take to prevent abnormal discharge, such as: While watery discharge is not often because of a problem, if it is something that you are concerned about, schedule a visit with a primary care doctor, gynecologist, or OB-GYN. So, you may want to check for signs of clear, stretchy discharge to be sure that youre ovulating and that; your most fertile period has begun. But if a significant, sudden rush of fluid comes out of your vagina during the later stages of pregnancy, it could be your water breaking (even if you're not fully to term). Your vaginal discharge changes color, becomes heavier, or smells different. Clear, watery vaginal discharge is never caused for concern. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis, can cause your vaginal discharge to change. You need to see your doctor as soon as possible for further evaluation. Should you suspect any underlying medical conditions, contact your doctor for further examination. And while most people know their turn-ons, sometimes your brain will surprise you and have a strong reaction of sexual attraction prompted by someone or something new. A doctor should evaluate any vaginal discharge that is not white or clear. She is on the board of the Hyperemesis Research Foundation to help women suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. Ill explain possible treatments and home remedies. Is it Normal? Sometimes amniotic fluid is green or brown when meconium (stool passed by . Watery discharge that feels like pee comes out of the vagina and makes one wonder if one has peed herself. Vaginal discharge is a natural fluid that can provide great guidance on a womans vaginal health. Additionally, as you get closer to your due date, your discharge will likely become heavier, which is a sign that your body is preparing for labor. Almostall people experience an increase in vaginal discharge with pregnancy. Location: Ontario, Canada. The [], Increased or abnormal grey vaginal discharge can indicate certain changes in your body chemistry or the presence of disease. The need to pass gas though suggests a bowel problem. Learn how your comment data is processed. It will prevent infection from traveling to your womb, placenta, or baby. In addition to that, most discharges that women experience are often not from their vag*na because the vag*nal doesnt have secretory glands. Some women may experience it every day, whereas others only occasionally. The following signs of abnormal discharge should prompt a visit to your doctor: Yellowish/greenish discharge is often caused by Trichomonas vag*nalis. The ovulation stage involves the release of a mature egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes. The telltale signs are the color of the discharge and the associated symptoms. Resist the urge to use tampons too. Womens vaginas produce this natural, odorous fluid to help keep them clean and free from infection! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The complaint about watery discharge which feels like you peed on yourself is not uncommon, vaginal discharge is one of the most common reasons women see a gynecologist, amounting to about 10 millionoffice visits per year. Clear and odorless, amniotic fluid is a colorless, thin liquid. . There may be excessive hair growth on the body, fat in the midsection, irregular menstruation and infertility. Can You Go to Urgent Care For Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)? The gynaecologist must be seen immediately. We avoid using tertiary references. Another cause that makes watery discharge feels like I peed myself is the change in microbial flora. However, there are some changes that may signify a problem, which we will discuss throughout this article. Your discharge may also be thin and clear or white in color. Learn How it works, So before periods, your vagina discharges, Girls who suffer from hormonal imbalances may also experience various vaginal. Check your symptoms, explore conditions and treatments, and if needed, text with a healthcare provider in minutes. Vulvovaginal atrophy. BMC Infectious Diseases,20(1). And most importantly, ensure that you see your gynecologist in case you have a watery discharge. Vaginal discharge comes in different colors, odors, and textures. We know what you're thinking: "Yeah, but that watery discharge feels like I peed myself!" Watery vaginal discharge is usually a clear or translucent fluid. Infection by this pathogen is via sexual means. We have seen that vaginal watery secretions are mostly harmless and can be due to various instances. The most effective antibiotic is metronidazole. Usually, a thin, clear, or milky discharge is seen as healthy, as long as it does not have an unpleasant smell. Some people complain of getting intermittent pain (mild to moderate) in the lower right abdominal region during this period which can be unnerving especially for women who are pregnant. This means that antibiotic treatment can sometimes end up causing a vaginal yeast infection (candida fungus). 4. The use of sex toys could cause an increase in watery discharge. When the period ends, it can take up to four days for any vaginal discharge. Some people who are pregnant may mistake watery discharge for their water breaking. If the discharge is due to an underlying condition like infection, then the question is how to treat it? When you see a yellowish or greenish discharge, it is a sign of infection caused by trichomonas vaginalis. i was told about my period but nobody told me about discharge and i . If neither of those things applies to you, pink discharge may still be no big deal, but it could also signal a medical condition that needs attention. If you are unsure if your vaginal discharge is typical or are concerned about it, an online doctor is a great way to quickly gain guidance on your vaginal discharge. It helps to protect the fetus from infections that might travel up the vagina and into the uterus. Chances are the wetness you feel is a watery-like substance, not fluids caused by sexual arousal. Immediately after a period, vaginal discharge may be brownish, due to remnants of blood in the vagina. Why Am I Getting Watery Discharge That Feels Like I Peed Myself? Grey-colored discharge is not typical of normal vaginal discharge, and usually suggests an infection such as bacterial vaginosis, or other issues. When sexually aroused, your body produces a clear, watery discharge. So, its never out of place to contact your doctor immediately if you notice sudden abnormal watery discharge while youre pregnant. watery discharge feels like I peed myself pregnancy is usually nothing to worry about, but if the discharge is yellowish or greenish in colour, has a foul odour, and there is associated pain or itching, see your doctor immediately. It's normal and healthy for a woman to produce, and it's not a vaginal discharge to be concerned about. However, pink vaginal discharge can be normal, especially if your period is due or you are newly pregnant. Skip the unnecessary waiting room, Some changes in the color, texture, or odor of vaginal discharge are normal and can be attributed to phases of the menstrual cycle. Watery discharge and itching is often a sign of probable infection. Some warning signsif it's bad-smelling, green or yellow or cottage cheese-like, you might want to see your doc.