Definition of Anapestic Meter. B. In his plays, Shakespeare didn't always stick to ten syllables. Each line has eight syllables in alternating stressed and unstressed accents. While it is the most common, it is by no means the only option. Ralph Waldo Emerson, for instance, was inspired to use iambic tetrameter because he admired John Milton's earlier use of the form. As with Byron's poetry, such small lapses of form are very common in poetic works and do not indicate that the poet is breaking with the pattern found in the rest of the poem. [1], R. S. P. Beekes has suggested that the Ancient Greek: iambos has a Pre-Greek origin. Iambic Pentameter is a meter referring to a line consisting of five iambic feet: (Although, it could be argued that this line in fact reads: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? This rhythm was popularised by Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatised such every bit Shakespeare and John Donne, and is still used today by modernistic authors (read sonnet examples from other poets some use iambic pentameters and some apply other meters). When you are scanning a line of poetry, you can identify iambic pentameter by looking for a pattern of unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllables. The rhythm can be written as: The da-DUM of a human heartbeat is a common example of this rhythm. This is when multiple words in a line start with the same sound, and it can create a sense of rhythm or flow. This is when each line ends with a pause, and it can create a sense of finality or closure. A standard line of iambic pentameter is five iambic feet in a row: Straightforward examples of this rhythm can be heard in the opening line of William Shakespeare's Sonnet 12: It is possible to notate this with a "/" marking ictic syllables (experienced as beats) and a "" marking nonictic syllables (experienced as offbeats). Spondee in Poetry Overview & Examples | What is a Spondaic Meter? The reverse of an iamb is called a trochee. An iamb (/am/) or iambus is a metrical foot used in various types of poetry. ), Ik but gonna shake, milk shake, milkshake, milk shake, sha-ake Which one of these lines uses iambic pentameter apex? It can be used in a variety of ways, and it does not have to be strictly followed. Pope followed such a rule strictly, Shakespeare fairly strictly,[20] Milton much less, and Donne not at allwhich may be why Ben Jonson said Donne deserved hanging for "not keeping of accent". [3][4][5] In the following example, the 4th beat has been pushed forward: Another common departure from standard iambic pentameter is the addition of a final unstressed syllable, which creates a weak or feminine ending. The line, too, labours and the words move slow. The most significant benefit of writing in iambic pentameter is that it creates a natural, flowing rhythm that can be very pleasing to read. Opposites, including light and dark, heaven and hell, and false and true, are used a lot in Macbeth. The word "iambic" comes from the Greek word for "foot," and "pentameter" comes from the Greek word for "five." This is why iambic pentameter is often used in spoken verse, such as in plays and sonnets. First, it can be difficult to find the right words to create the desired iambic effect. There are many different ways to scan or count the syllables in a line of iambic pentameter. The simplest iambic tetrameter definition is a poem written with four iambs per line. Iambic dimeter has two iambs per line, iambic trimeter has three, and there are also longer line lengths like iambic hexameter and iambic heptameter, with six or seven iambs per line respectively. Use metaphor. It can help to create a sense of unity and coherence in a poem or play. Privacy Policy. How many lines of symmetry does a rhombus have? Iambic meter is characterized by alternating stressed and unstressed syllables, while pentameter is always composed of five syllables in a row that are all stressed. It is also found in poetry written in languages besides English. promoted and so no longer "weak.". The stress patterns are the same, and in particular, the normally weak third syllable is stressed in both lines; the difference is that in Shakespeare's line the stressed third syllable is a one-syllable word, "four", whereas in the un-Shakespearean line it is part of a two-syllable word, "gazelles". William Shakespeare loved using this iambic meter in his plays and poetry for the flow it created. In iambic pentameter, the apex is the fifth foot, which is made up of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.The most famous example of iambic pentameter is from Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, in which Marc Antony makes his famous speech over Caesar's body: "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. Second, you need to make sure that the stresses fall on the right syllables. Learn More: What are the lines on itachi's face? The Iambic trimeter is a meter of poetry consisting of three iambic units (each of two feet) per line.. Second, even when the right words are used, it can be difficult to create a natural-sounding rhythm. A. Which one of these lines uses iambic penameter -Apex? 2. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Another innovation common in Italian is synaloepha where a final and an initial vowel merge into one syllable, as in selva_oscura or via_era above. Italian poets such as Giacomo da Lentini, Boccaccio, Petrarch, and Dante adopted this line, generally using the eleven-syllable form (endecasillabo)[25] because most Italian words have feminine endings. This is when a line runs on into the next without a pause, and it can create a sense of momentum or forward motion in the poem. All information published on this website is provided in good faith and for general use only. The style of writing you might find in a book. Thatsliceawonder,now: FrPandolfdue southhands "Iambic" refers to the type of foot used, here the iamb, which in English indicates an unstressed syllable . Put simply, iambic pentameter is a metrical speech communication rhythm that is natural to the English language linguistic communication. There are a few different types of iambic pentameter, each with their own set of rules. Thankfully, at the end of her presentation, everyone applauded. A Iambic Pentameter is made up of two words. This pattern of syllables is known as an "iamb." Iambic pentameter is often said to be the most "natural" of poetic meters, because it mirrors the stresses of natural speech patterns. Iambic pentameter is not the only type of meter, however. I think that John is looking glum to me -Apex-. All lines present a certain rhythm. Lady Anne Wilmot, the inspiration for She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron. spot. She has been teaching English in Canada and Taiwan for seven years. Iambic pentameter is a line of writing that consists of 10 syllables in a specific pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, or a short syllable followed by a long syllable. Take another look at the prose & verse definitions, Take another look at Nias definition of verse. But the only one whose rhythm is determined by a pattern of unstressed-stressed (iamb) is line B: I give the best of all I have to offer Sam. The Symbolist Movement in Art & Literature, AP English Literature: Homeschool Curriculum, OAE Middle Grades English Language Arts (028) Prep, SAT Test Prep: Practice & Study Guide, CSET English Subtests I & III (105 & 107): Practice & Study Guide, ILTS English Language Arts (207): Test Practice and Study Guide, Comprehensive English: Overview & Practice, College English Literature: Help and Review, 10th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, 11th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, Create an account to start this course today. While she was nervous during her presentation, she was confident that no one would notice what she did. [24] His Troilus and Criseyde, written in the 1380s, begins as follows, using lines sometimes of 11, and sometimes of 10 syllables. Others count the number of stressed syllables, which would also be five in a line of iambic pentameter. Scholars have explained that there are few stage directions in Shakespeare "because the verse serves that purpose. If you're not sure whether a line is iambic pentameter or not, you can try reading it aloud. Most of Macbeth is written in verse, so its interesting to watch out for where it isnt used. Iambic pentameter is a type of meter, or rhythm, in poetry. My Last Duchess. Learn More: Are you a guitar pick up lines? To further the speed-up effect of the enjambment, Donne puts an extra syllable in the final foot of the line (this can be read as an anapest (dada DUM) or as an elision). A: You are preparing to ask someone on a date, but then you find out they are dating someone else. Take another look at your third answer and take another look at the definitions. It also features a romantic subplot, mistaken identity, and all kinds of other intrigues. Additionally, the strict meter can force the writer to be concise and clear in their language, which can result in a more effective poem. There are eight syllables per line: Double, double, toil and trouble: / Fire burn, and cauldron bubble. (4:1) It makes the witches seem strangely different. An error occurred trying to load this video. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Putting these two terms together, iambic pentameter is a line of writing that consists of ten syllables in a specific pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, or a short syllable followed past a long syllable. The rythm gives a less rigid, merely natural flow to the text and the dialogue. Here there is an inversion from the typical set-meter/variation sequence . For case, please, the Dominicus, forLORN, one DAY, reLEASE. Iambic dimeter is a meter referring to a line consisting of two iambic feet. Royal Shakespeare Company. mylastDuchesspaintedon In addition to its use of iambic tetrameter, this poem is an excellent iambic trimeter example. Icall Her - Robert Frost, Acquainted with the Night. The word ''tetrameter'' comes from the Greek root for ''four,'' meaning that anything written in tetrameter will have four feet per line. In Act 1 Scene 1, the Witches lines include When the battles lost and won and Fair is foul, and foul is fair (1:1). [24] An example is the following extract: In this metre, every line has two halves: the first half of the line has four syllables, but sometimes after the 4th syllable an extra unaccented syllable is added, as in lines 1 and 3 above; the second half has six syllables. Iambic tetrameter is often used in English and Scottish ballads, though it is also found in many other poetic genres. William Shakespeare famously used iambic pentameter in his plays and sonnets,[1] John Milton in his Paradise Lost, and William Wordsworth in The Prelude. Sometimes it's also interesting to look at lines that don't match the rhythm of iambic pentameter and to think about why. Thurneysen quotes: When the pronunciation of the Latin changed to French, the number of syllables in many words was reduced. It can also make a poem sound more musical, and it can help to create a rhyming scheme. The important thing to remember about iambic pentameter is that it is a very flexible meter. In either case, when read aloud, such verse naturally follows an iambic beat. Learn More: What does with a line under it mean? Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a classic example of this form. in Education Literacy and Learning for Grades 6-12. Or another mode to recall of it it a short syllable followed past a long syllable. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Later generative metrists pointed out that poets have often treated non-compound words of more than one syllable differently from monosyllables and compounds of monosyllables. What is are the functions of diverse organisms? Notice that Merrill moves toward iambic pentameter in line 6 and then sustains it through line 7. Shakespeare writes in a combination of prose and verse. This line (line 7 of "To Autumn") is used by, The Strict Metrical Tradition by David Keppel-Jones, pp 73-92, Rhythm and Meaning in Shakespeare by Peter Groves pp. It consists of five iambic feet per line. Here are some examples: - Emily Dickinson, "The Only News I Know", - E. Housman, "When I Was One-and-Twenty". Meter can be used to create a feeling of metrical regularity or irregularity, depending on the poet's desired effect. [26]:119127, Iambic pentameter became the prevalent meter in English. A good way to check if a poem is written in iambic tetrameter is to read it out loud. In this notation a standard line of iambic pentameter would look like this: The scansion of the examples above can be notated as follows: The term "iamb" originally applied to the quantitative meter of classical poetry. This makes it very easy for readers to follow along and understand the poem, even if they're not familiar with the meter. Iambic-a line of verse with five metrical feet, each consisting of one short (or unstressed) syllable followed by one long (or stressed) syllable. When it looks like writing in a book that goes the whole way across the page, he is writing in prose. Iambic tetrameter is a kind of poetic meter or rhythmical pattern. Iambic pentameter is a type of meter, or rhythmic scheme, commonly used in poetry. For example: "She sells sea shells by the seashore.". It was Philip Sidney, apparently influenced by Italian poetry, who used large numbers of "Italian" lines and thus is often considered to have reinvented iambic pentameter in its final form. 12th Grade English: Homework Help Resource, American Prose for 12th Grade: Homework Help, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, British Prose for 12th Grade: Homework Help, British Poetry for 12th Grade: Homework Help, British Plays for 12th Grade: Homework Help, Works by African American Writers: Homework Help, The Great Gatsby: Summary, Themes, Symbols, and Character, Ernest Hemingway: Biography, Works, and Style, Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms: Summary and Analysis, For Whom the Bell Tolls by Hemingway: Summary and Analysis, William Faulkner: Biography, Books, and Style, John Steinbeck: Grapes of Wrath and Other Works, Of Mice and Men: Summary and Analysis of Steinbeck's Style, The Mending Wall By Robert Frost: Summary, Theme & Analysis, Letter from Birmingham Jail: Summary & Analysis, Emily Dickinson's Hope is the Thing with Feathers: Summary, Analysis & Theme, Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack: Summary & Sayings, Crime Fiction: Definition, Books & Authors, In the Time of the Butterflies: Summary, Characters & Character Analysis, The American Scholar by Ralph Waldo Emerson: Summary & Analysis, American Drama for 12th Grade: Homework Help, Literary Terms for 12th Grade: Homework Help, Essay Writing for 12th Grade: Homework Help, Conventions in Writing: Usage: Homework Help, Linking Texts and Media for 12th Grade: Homework Help, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 9-10: Standards, Common Core ELA - Language Grades 9-10: Standards, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 11-12: Standards, Common Core ELA - Writing Grades 11-12: Standards, Common Core ELA - Speaking and Listening Grades 9-10: Standards, Common Core ELA - Language Grades 11-12: Standards, Common Core ELA - Speaking and Listening Grades 11-12: Standards, ACT® Test Prep: Practice & Study Guide, PSAT Test Prep: Practice & Study Guide, Death of a Salesman & The American Dream: Analysis & Criticism, Biff in Death of a Salesman: Character Analysis, Literary Criticism of Death of a Salesman, A View From the Bridge: Summary & Setting, A View from the Bridge: Themes & Analysis, A View from the Bridge: Characters & Quotes, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. And mark in every face I meetMarks of weakness, marks of woe. Who had some guest rooms that he rented out. It sounds natural to the ear and seems well suited to the syllable structure of the English language. As lines in iambic pentameter usually contain ten syllables, it is considered a form of decasyllabic verse. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Iambs: The Basis of Iambic Poetry [28], There is some debate over whether works such as Shakespeare's were originally performed with the rhythm prominent, or whether the rhythm was embedded in the patterns of contemporary speech. Please either update your browser to the newest version, or choose an alternative browser visit. This is because it is easy to lose track of the number of iambs in a line, especially when there are many lines of iambic pentameter. Dickinson's most famous poem, ''Because I Could Not Stop for Death,'' also uses the same alternating tetrameter-trimeter pattern seen here. Finally, writing in iambic pentameter can help to create a sense of unity within a poem. Penta means five, so pentameter simply means five meters. )[original research? nostr(e) emperere. However, in the 19th century, the Swiss scholar Rudolf Thurneysen suggested that it had developed from the Latin hexameter. This scansion adds numbers to indicate how Donne uses a variety of stress levels to realize his beats and offbeats (1 = lightest stress, 4 = heaviest stress): Donne uses an inversion (DUM da instead of da DUM) in the first foot of the first line to stress the key verb, "batter", and then sets up a clear iambic pattern with the rest of the line (da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM). This rhythm is also easy to speak, which makes iambic pentameter poems ideal for reading aloud. The most common mistakes writers make when using iambic pentameter are: - Not using the proper number of beats. husbandspresenceonly, calledthat Iambic tetrameter poetry has a rhythm that sounds like ''da DUM da DUM da DUM da DUM'' in each line, for a total of eight syllables. Such syllable patterns are called metrical ''feet.'' Iambic pentameter is a great tool for poets because it gives a poem a sense of rhythm and flow. This words comes from the Latin word iam meaning beat. Does Berkekey accept transcripts with a W on it? To fully understand what this means, it is first essential to understand the concept of poetic meter and the concept of an iamb. Iambic pentameter is also very versatile, and can be used for a wide variety of subject matter and tone. Additionally, the consistent meter can create a feeling of stability or predictability, which can be helpful in conveying a message or telling a story. In Macbeth you will find some lines with eight syllables, with four soft beats and four strong beats, called trochaic tetrameter. Iambic pentameter lines are easy to read aloud because they have a natural rhythm. Like the examples above, the poems usually had a caesura after the fourth syllable. This can create a more conversational feel, or add emphasis to certain words or phrases. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Studies in Greek elegy and iambus By Martin Litchfield West Page 22, Latin spelling and pronunciation Iambic shortening, "Quantitative Consequences of Rhythmic Organization", "Poetry 101: What Is a Shakespearean Sonnet? An English unstressed syllable is equivalent to a classical short syllable, while an English stressed syllable is equivalent to a classical long syllable. I give the best of all I have to offer Sam. Website Terms and Conditions | That is because it is followed by a pause. Shakespeare used iambic pentameter because it closely resembles the rhythm of everyday speech, and he no doubt wanted to imitate everyday speech in his plays. Another benefit of iambic pentameter is that it can add structure and discipline to a poem. Iambic tetrameter is sometimes incorrectly called ''iambic quadrameter,'' but ''quadra'' comes from Latin, and metrical terms come from Greek. ", ""The Craft so Long to Lerne": Chaucer's Invention of the Iambic Pentameter", "Quelques considrations sur la structure et l'origine de l'endecasillabo", "Mike Bartlett on writing King Charles III",, This page was last edited on 28 January 2023, at 14:07. Tercet in Poetry Concept & Examples | What is a Tercet? It was first introduced into English by Chaucer in 14th century on the basis of French and Italian models. On rare occasions, iambic dimeter will contain 3 syllables: two stressed beats and a single unstressed beat. Iambic tetrameter is a type of poetic meter. APEX: English 9 (Semester 2 - 1.4.3 TEST(CST) ANSWERS): Shakespeare's Macbeth . Percy Bysshe Shelley also used skilful variation of the metre in his Ode to the West Wind: As the examples show, iambic pentameter need not consist entirely of iambs, nor need it have ten syllables. 7. However, there are other ways to count the syllables in a line of iambic pentameter. Think not of them, thou hast thy music too. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of these describes Ezra Pound's feelings about the words in a poem?, I have eaten the plums that were in the icebox and which you were probably saving for breakfast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold Which of these best describes the structure of William's Poem?, Which one of these lines uses iambic . Source:, Which Best Describes the Speaker in This Poem, Why is the Digestion of Starch to Glucose Necessary, What Made Italian Nationalists Upset After, Why Might a Hippie Male Have Worn His Hair Long, How to Make Hydroxyquinoline at Home With Grapefruit and Lemon, Establishing a Link Between Malpractice and Harm is, Explain How Wars and Conquests Affect Social Change, Provide the Coefficients Needed to Balance the Redox Reaction Given, Which Best Describes Hemingways Style of Writing in the Excerpt, What Advantage Does Nuclear Power Have Over Fossil Fuels Apex, How Did Abraham Lincoln Become a Lawyer Brainly. An iambic pentameter line of poetry consists of five iambs, or ten syllables total. Which line from the passage best illustrates this? I have looked down the saddest city lane. I have outwalked the furthest city light. William Blake was an enigmatic figure. Essentially, the HalleKeyser rules state that only "stress maximum" syllables are important in determining the meter. Some have speculated that the prevalence and popularity of iambic meter can be attributed at least in part to the way that iambic meter seems to flow naturally in English. Iambic pentameter is a line of writing that consists of 10 syllables in a specific pattern of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, or a short syllable followed by a long syllable. For example: - William Wordsworth, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud", - Thomas Ford, "There is a Lady Sweet and Kind", - Thomas Campion, A Hymn in Praise of Neptune. This can be helpful for both the writer and the reader, as it can make the poem easier to follow and understand. If the line has ten syllables, it is likely iambic pentameter. If you count the syllables in Macbeths first lines, you can see how it works: So foul and fair a day I have not seen (Macbeth, 1:3). The first foot, in contrast, often changes by the use of inversion, which reverses the order of the syllables in the foot. Take another look at the definition of rhyming couplets. Iambic dimeter typically contains four syllables per line, though it is possible to contain a fifth syllable if one line starts on an extra downbeat. Slid from the kitchen shelf; (Theodore Roethke, "My Papa's Waltz"), Is bulletins all day (Emily Dickinson, "The Only News I Know"). Iambic pentameter is made up of five iambic feet, each with two beats. If a writer uses more or less than five iambic feet, then it is not iambic pentameter. Shook down on me. (Robert Frost, "Dust of Snow"). The first line is clearly iambic pentameter, but it may be a bit hard to see because it starts with four strong syllables (a pair of spondees) in "Two households, both". The most common type of meter in English poetry, iambic pentameter is found in the works of many of the world's greatest poets, including William Shakespeare, John Milton, and T.S. Privacy | It is based on the unit of the iamb, which is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. (And yes, nosotros have but classified Taylor Swift as a poet! The word "iambic" comes from the Greek word for "foot," and "pentameter" comes . What are the Physical devices used to construct memories? da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM da-DUM. In the second and fourth lines he uses strongly-stressed offbeats (which can be interpreted as spondees) in the third foot to slow down the rhythm as he lists monosyllabic verbs. There are several challenges that can come with writing in iambic pentameter. iambic pentameter. In ancient Greek poetry and Latin poetry, an iambic trimeter is a quantitative meter, in which a line consists of three iambic metra.Each metron consists of the pattern | x - u - |, where "-" represents a long syllable, "u" a short one, and "x" an anceps (either long or short). Here are three very different examples of iambic pentameter in English language poetry: Shakespearedue south sonnet xviii starts Shall I compare thee to a summertimes day?. Because of its odd number of metrical beats, iambic pentameter, as Attridge says, does not impose itself on the natural rhythm of spoken language. In English accentual-syllabic verse, iambic trimeter is a line comprising three iambs. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. CGAA will not be liable for any losses and/or damages incurred with the use of the information provided. In Shakespeares plays, you will find examples of antithesis, which is when two In English verse, "alexandrine" is typically used to mean "iambic hexameter". 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Iambic Meter Overview & Examples | What is an Iamb? Several scholars have argued that iambic pentameter has been so important in the history of English poetry by contrasting it with the one other important meter (tetrameter), variously called "four-beat," "strong-stress," "native meter," or "four-by-four meter. The most common meter used in poetry and verse, iambic pentameter consists of five iambs and 10 syllables per line. The gas meter. The following activity is a great way to look at the language and themes in Macbeth using a sonnet to introduce some of the imagery in the play and the key terms on this page. This can add a sense of unity to the poem, or create a more playful feel. In the above stanzas, Blake adheres closely to the iambic tetrameter form, except in the fourth line. Additionally, the use of iambic pentameter can add a level of sophistication to a poem, making it appear more refined and polished. 2. How many lines of symmetry does a circle have? One of Shakespeare's most famous lines of iambic pentameter has a weak ending:[6], This line also has an inversion of the fourth foot, following the caesura (marked with "|"). An iambic meter is a metrical foot in which an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable. 43-49, All the Fun's in How You Say a Thing by Timothy Steele, pp 57-59, The Ode Less Travelled by Stephen Fry, pp 56-57, For a detailed discussion of the varied intonations possible in iambic pentameter, see, Kiparsky said there were no such lines in Shakespeare. 6. He often played around with iambic meter to give color and feeling to his character's speeches. 5 iambs/feet of unstressed and stressed syllables uncomplicated! Are the heads on a 98 and 99 v8 5.7L the same? In the video here you can also watch actors exploring the shared lines between Macduff and Ross in Act 2 Scene 3 when Ross delivers the news that Macduffs family have all been killed. Learn More: How often should sewer lines be cleaned? 10. Chaucer's meter depended on the pronunciation of final e's that even by his time were probably silent. This can create a more staccato feel, or add visual interest to the poem. Iambic pentameter is a type of meter or rhythmic scheme in poetry. Learn More: How many lines of symmetry does a rhombus have? 5. Who is Katy mixon body double eastbound and down season 1 finale? Help us by taking a short survey it will only take a few minutes and will help us make the Shakespeare Learning Zone even better for everyone. Iambic pentameter is not the same as any other meter, so writers should be careful not to mix them up. [3] The word may be related to Iambe, a Greek minor goddess of verse, especially scurrilous, ribald humour. There are numerous other types of meter, including trochaic, anapestic, dactylic, and amphibrachic. This poem also showcases some other traits common to Dickinson's poetry, including the use of capitalization and frequent use of dashes. Finally, she realized that she co English language is the perfect language for iambus because of the way the stressed and unstressed syllables work. The name for the rhythm Shakespeare writes in. There is no any "set" meter in this poem, but the meter clearly plays a key role in its effectiveness. "Other examples of iambic pentameter can be found in poems by John Milton, Alexander Pope, and Emily Dickinson. [2] An old hypothesis is that the word is borrowed from Phrygian or Pelasgian, and literally means "Einschritt", i.e., "one-step", compare dithyramb and thriambus, but H. S. Versnel rejects this etymology and suggests instead a derivation from a cultic exclamation. Rhythmic Variations . Discover the definition of iambic tetrameter. It is used in several major English poetic forms, including blank verse, the heroic couplet, and some of the traditionally rhymed stanza forms. An example of a poem with pentameter is from Shakespeares Sonnet 18..